Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

What an amazing Christmas our family had this year!We were blessed to have almost all of our immediate family around to celebrate (the best would have been having Mema and the McCormicks with us as well). We started our celebrations on Christmas Eve. After attending church with the Loftus family, we came home for a low key evening of clam chowder and getting ready for Santa. Gamm and Pop Rhodes came and joined us for dinner. Tucker was very excited about Santa coming to see us. He put gingerbread people out and HUGE carrots! Those reindeer had a big snack. When we woke up on Christmas morning, Tucker was surprised to find all that Santa left him. He wasn't really sure what to think of it all- eventually warming up to it and enjoying his presents. Santa brought him exactly what he asked for (orange dump truck and Diego cup) as well as extra (work bench with tools, McQueen slippers, cars, games, etc). After a small breakfast snack and some playtime at home, we headed to the DiPiazza's for the King Christmas brunch. Lots of fun was had by all! There is nothing like a morning of bloody marys, mimosas, brunch, dirty santa and King girl chatter! You never know what will come of the conversation!! After fun and games, we headed home for Tucker to enjoy a nap before heading to dinner at Gamma and Pop Rhodes' house. After a much needed nap for all of us, we headed to a nice relaxing evening with the Rhodes and Franklins. Tucker enjoyed opening his gifts, reading stories with Aunt Becca, and playing in Pop Rhodes' bronco. By the time we headed home for bed, our big guy was still in play mode and thought we would keep on going with toys and presents. Little did he know, it was bed time! After some work, we all finally hit the sack after a wonderful day!! Poor Tucker is not going to totally understand why all the lights will start to go away, decorations come down and presents end. But he is learning that we truly celebrate Christmas all year by celebrating the birth of baby Jesus and the life of Christ! Merry Christmas! Rhodes, Franklins and Rhodes

Opening his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Reading a Mater book with Aunt Becca

Best gift of all- a big empty box!! Playing with Abby!

Excited to get to open his presents first at King Family Christmas

All eyes on Tucker to open his gifts

Trying out a few items Santa brought

Breakfast with camoflage

Checking out his stocking

As Tucker put it- "Santa made a mess and needs more cookies!"

Finally checking out Santa's gifts

Not sure what to think of Santa's gifts

We woke up to find our house had been visited by Santa

Leaving cookies, carrots and milk for Santa

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