Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Family of 3... til tomorrow

Well, so we have come upon our last day as a family of three. This day (and days leading up) have been filled with many emotions. Excitement, relief, joy, suspense, and of course a bit of anxiety. We are so excited to meet our newest addition tomorrow morning, May 4th. We have been waiting for this little one for almost two years now. We started our journey of wanting a little brother or sister for Tucker back in the summer of 2009. Little did we know what the journey was ahead. But we do know that God was in control and there was a plan for our little one to arrive tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring relief to us in many ways. One for sure will be the physical relief of being 39 weeks pregnant! :) There is definitely some truth to as you get older your body handles pregnancy different. And poor Harris has dealt with way to many sleepless nights due to a body pillow being thrown over a big hump (me) as I would try to "flip" over. But I must say, overall this has been an easy pregnancy for us til now. And I would like to know who isn't physically miserable at 37-39 weeks pregnant! But in the end it is all worth it to meet our sweet Annie or Thomas tomorrow! We all have ideas of who is coming out (Tucker now believes he will have a baby brother but says he'll love a sister too). You'll have to stay tuned to the blog to see who arrives! Harris did a great job of keeping you all informed when Tucker arrived (yes, at one point he was blogging as I was contracting at 4 am). I am sure he'll have time to start filling you in as we arrive at 5 am tomorrow to get prepped for our repeat c-section. We will use this blog to also share the first pictures of our family of 4! Keep us in your prayers as we welcome Annie or Thomas and celebrate the miracle of life! Easter 2011


Lighthouse Photography said...

Oh I can't wait to hear and see what you have!!!

carlyn said...

so excited for you!! praying for you!!